
Environmental Policy Statement


Alvaria Technologies UK Limited. is committed to reducing the impact of its activities on the environment. References to Alvaria herein shall include Aspect Software, Noble Systems Corporation and their respective affiliates.

We will do this by regularly evaluating our operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible. Our goal is to promote sustainability and environmental awareness at all levels of the company by:

  • Complying with all applicable environmental legislation and sustainability commitments.
  • Measuring and analyzing the carbon footprint of our business activities in conjunction with other climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts\Preventing pollution and reducing consumption of resources through waste management strategies that promote waste reduction, re-use, and recycling, as appropriate.
  • Preventing pollution and reducing consumption of resources through waste management strategies that promote waste reduction, re-use, and recycling, as appropriate.
  • Incorporating energy efficiency measures and promoting efficient energy use at our employees’ remote work environments and in all areas of business activity.
  • Promoting and continuing to invest in technologies that provide alternatives to business travel.
  • Ensure our staff are aware of the environmental impacts of their work activities and encourage them through regular awareness and training to minimize those impacts.
  • Promoting the protection of the environment through employee awareness programs and stakeholder engagement.