5 common mistakes buyers make when selecting a workforce management solution

5 common mistakes buyers make when selecting a workforce management solution

Words by
Ian Storm
Close up of someone using software on a laptop screen
Reimagine your workforce experience

What if I make the wrong choice?  

It’s a question any leader has asked themselves when selecting a new software solution. The stakes feel even higher in workforce management, as this impacts your most important resource on a daily basis: employees.  

Implementations can be complex and expensive, and as a result, leaders may only oversee a few major software changes in their entire career, which is not nearly enough experience to make such an important decision with confidence. Fear not! Aspect is here to help in picking your next WFM (Workforce Management) solution. Keep reading to learn more about some common mistakes we see buyers make in their selection process:

1. Unclear objectives and requirements

Having a clear understanding of what you need from a workforce management solution will allow you to prioritize requirements. There never will be one software solution to meet all your unique needs, which makes it critical to understand the difference between wants and needs. Otherwise, you may end up with a system that visually looks great but doesn't fully address your business needs.

2. Focusing solely on cost

Until money starts growing on trees, honoring the budget is a strong requirement we must face.  However, look beyond the “sticker price”: cheaper options might lack cost saving efficiencies, have hidden costs, or require expensive add-ons.  

3. Neglecting vendor support

Experiencing a sudden and unexpected interruption in operations is an awful feeling that many can relate to. Yet, many of us are guilty of undervaluing this during the selection process: is a tool worth the bells and whistles if no one answers your call for help?  

4. Not considering scalability

Valuing scalability is believing in your team’s ability to grow your business. With growth comes new needs that need to be addressed.  While no one can predict when the next disruptive innovation will arrive, a reputable SaaS organization should have the architecture design and technical infrastructure to help you pursue and support growth opportunities.

5. Underestimating the implementation process

Congratulations! You’ve found a WFM solution that fits your requirements and budget while providing excellent support and scalability…but how long will it take to master this new solution to meet those needs?  Implementing a new workforce management solution can be complex and time-consuming, but it’s more than the initial set up: how does the vendor help you ensure user adoption and drive KPI (key performance indicators) improvements?

We can provide insight on important WFM implementation considerations and help answer important questions about software scalability and cost effectiveness. Click here to learn more from an Aspect expert before choosing your next workforce management solution.  

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