Funciones sólidas de WFM con Aspect Workforce™
Seamless integration
Create a cohesive workflow with effortless integration into current systems. Connect to HR, payroll, CRM, and BI systems to unify your workforce management.
Seamless integration
Create a cohesive workflow with effortless integration into current systems. Connect to HR, payroll, CRM, and BI systems to unify your workforce management.
Adherence monitoring
Promote an efficient workforce with automated adherence management and monitoring. Review adherence reporting trends to ensure efficiency throughout the workday.
Adherence monitoring
Promote an efficient workforce with automated adherence management and monitoring. Review adherence reporting trends to ensure efficiency throughout the workday.
Advanced analytics
Make smart business decisions by leveraging actionable data insights. Comprehensive reporting gives you the analytics you need to make quick and informed choices.
Advanced analytics
Make smart business decisions by leveraging actionable data insights. Comprehensive reporting gives you the analytics you need to make quick and informed choices.
Labor compliance
It can be difficult to keep up with ever-changing labor laws, ensuring compliance for your workforce. Easily track work hours in accordance with labor law updates and industry standards.
Labor compliance
It can be difficult to keep up with ever-changing labor laws, ensuring compliance for your workforce. Easily track work hours in accordance with labor law updates and industry standards.
Aspect Intelligence (AI)
Our use of advanced analytics, deep learning, and intelligent technologies come together to elevate human teams through powerful insights and a more intuitive user experience.
Aspect Intelligence (AI)
Our use of advanced analytics, deep learning, and intelligent technologies come together to elevate human teams through powerful insights and a more intuitive user experience.
Explore nuestra plataforma de personal
Elija una plataforma de personal que lo ayude a personalizar las soluciones adecuadas para su centro de contacto. Aspect Workforce™ funciona en conjunto con otras herramientas de WorkForceOS™ para lograr el más alto nivel de satisfacción y servicio de los empleados.