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Socrates and Ted Lasso? An unlikely but complementary duo. Combine the curious, non-judgmental approach of Ted Lasso with the questioning techniques of the Socrates to navigate workplace disagreements and foster innovation.
In a rapidly evolving landscape, the ethical use of AI in data management is crucial not only for protecting privacy but also for fostering trust, transparency, and fairness within the workplace—impacting everything from recruitment employee engagement.
Perfection is the killer of innovation. Embrace iteration over rigidity to foster innovation and maximize employee impact across your workforce.
We’re thrilled to announce the start of a new webinar series, Tomorrow’s Workforce, focused on providing solutions to challenges presented in dynamic contact centers.
Explore how personalized solutions, work-life balance, clear communication, ongoing training, and AI integration can transform employee engagement and satisfaction, driving your business's success.
Aspect Workforce Enterprise v24 is here! Discover how Workforce Enterprise v24 will continue to empower your organization with innovative features, enhanced security, and seamless integrations.
A comprehensive onboarding process should not only equips new employees with essential skills but also foster engagement, connection, and long-term retention in the workplace.
Flexible scheduling and employee self-service tools empower teams to manage their time effectively, promoting work-life balance and ultimately enhancing satisfaction.
How to buy contact center software
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NRTC saved 100 hours annually with workforce automation (in partnership with Call Design)
Learn how the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) transformed their workforce management with Alvaria Workforce, reducing manual tasks, improving scheduling, and saving over 100 hours annually.